Wishing all of our customers a very Happy Christmas from Tony, John G and John L as well of course as a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Special thanks to the many of you that we saw at the recent ASDW weekend Wine Festivals and to those who have just re-stocked for Xmas with Bordeaux and Beyond wines. Together you have made the last 6 weeks our busiest build up to Xmas so far, in what is our 6th Christmas trading! Watch this space for news on new vintages or new wines we plan to import in 2013 and note that, after particluarly heavy Xmas sales, additional supplies of Champagne Domi-Moreau and our 2 Sauvignon blancs, the Domain Carroir Perrin Sancerre 2011 and Patrice Moreux Pouilly Fumé 2011 will be here mid January.
We are also particularly pleased to have secured more of our favourite Chateau Micalet 2004 Haut Medoc, the last available in the Micalet cellars, so that will be on our pallet from Bordeaux late January, together with some younger (2010) Pomerol and Lalande de Pomerol from Patrick Merle of Chateau des Moines.
Pinot Noir fan Tony is I believe drinking our Givry 2010 with his turkey, John L in Boulogne is opting for the Bejac Romelys Medoc 2006 and in Northants it will be my last bottle of the Micalet 2003 before starting on the 2004s !!