French Wines from Independent Artisan Winemakers. Successfully importing and selling via the internet since 2007!
Are you looking for French wines that are not destined for the supermarket shelves?
Are you looking to spend most of your money on the wine itself rather than all of the add on costs like marketing, advertising, staff and rent etc?
Are you looking for wines made by people rather than factories and imported directly by a friendly independent merchant?
If so, then welcome to Bordeaux and Beyond.
We have been providing answers to these questions and more since 2007! Bordeaux and Beyond really is a different type of wine company. So for those special wines at great prices please have a look at our current list now.
Every Bordeaux and Beyond wine comes with a story and every wine that we sell must pass our crucial test – we must be more than happy to drink it ourselves! And safe to say we most certainly do!
We welcome personal contact and would love to hear from you so please call or e-mail any one of us now
tony@bordeauxetbeyond.co.uk or 07860 500112
john@bordeauxetbeyond.co.uk or 0776 9937004